Submitted to IEEE Trans. Circuits and Systems for Video Technology

Multiscale Saliency Detection
Using Random Walk with Restart

Supplemantary Materials

Jun-Seong Kim     Jae-Young Sim     Chang-Su Kim
Korea University     UNIST     Korea University


In this work, we propose a graph-based multiscale saliency detection algorithm, by modeling eye movements as a random walk on a graph. The proposed algorithm first extracts intensity, color, and compactness features from an input image. It then constructs a fully connected graph by employing image blocks as the nodes. It assigns a high edge weight, if the two connected nodes have dissimilar intensity and color features and if the ending node is more compact than the starting node. Then, the proposed algorithm computes the stationary distribution of the Markov chain on the graph as the saliency map. However, the performance of the saliency detection depends on the relative block size in an image. To provide a more reliable saliency map, we develop a coarse-to-fine refinement technique for multiscale saliency maps based on the random walk with restart (RWR). Specifically, we use the saliency map at a coarse scale as the restarting distribution of RWR at a fine scale. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm detects visual saliency more precisely and more reliably than conventional algorithms. Moreover, the proposed algorithm can be efficiently used in the applications of proto-object extraction and image retargeting.

Comparison with the Conventional Algorithms

1. MSRA dataset [1] (150 images)
Input image STB [2] SR [3] PQFT [4] LDS [1] FT [5] GC [6] CA [7] STSD [8] GBVS [9] RW [10,11] Proposed
2. MIT dataset [12] (30 images)
Input image STB [2] SR [3] PQFT [4] LDS [1] FT [5] GC [6] CA [7] STSD [8] GBVS [9] RW [10,11] Proposed
3. FIFA dataset [13] (10 images)
Input image STB [2] SR [3] PQFT [4] LDS [1] FT [5] GC [6] CA [7] STSD [8] GBVS [9] RW [10,11] Proposed
4. TORONTO dataset [14] (10 images)
Input image STB [2] SR [3] PQFT [4] LDS [1] FT [5] GC [6] CA [7] STSD [8] GBVS [9] RW [10,11] Proposed


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