[241] | Dahyun Kim, Dongkwon Jin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Monocular Depth Estimation for Autonomous Driving Based on Instance Clustering Guidance," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Macau, China, Dec. 2024. |
[240] | Jintae Kim, Seungwon Yang, Seong-Gyun Jeong, and Chang-Su Kim, "Forbes: Face Obfuscation Rendering via Backpropagation Refinement Scheme," in Proc. ECCV, Milano, Italy, Sep. 2024. |
[239] | Dongkwon Jin and Chang-Su Kim, "OMR: Occlusion-Aware Memory-Based Refinement for Video Lane Detection," in Proc. ECCV, Milano, Italy, Sep. 2024. |
[238] | Chaewon Lee, Seon-Ho Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "MFP: Making Full Use of Probability Maps for Interactive Image Segmentation," in Proc. CVPR, Seattle, Washington, Jun. 2024. |
[237] | Nyeong-Ho Shin, Seon-Ho Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Blind Image Quality Assessment Based on Geometric Order Learning," in Proc. CVPR, Seattle, Washington, Jun. 2024. |
[236] | Jinyoung Jun, Jae-Han Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Masked Spatial Propagation Network for Sparsity-Adaptive Depth Refinement," in Proc. CVPR, Seattle, Washington, Jun. 2024. |
[235] | Jinwon Ko, Dongkwon Jin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Semantic Line Combination Detector," in Proc. CVPR, Seattle, Washington, Jun. 2024. |
[234] | Seon-Ho Lee, Nyeong-Ho Shin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Unsupervised Order Learning," in Proc. ICLR, Vienna, Austria, May. 2024. |
[233] | Yuk Heo, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Context-Aware Seam Restoration for Image Extension," in Proc. IEEE VCIP, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2023. |
[232] | Chaewon Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Implementation and Analysis on Backpropagating Refinement Scheme for Interactive Image Segmentation," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2023. |
[231] | Dongkwon Jin, Dahyun Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Recursive Video Lane Detection," in Proc. ICCV, Paris, France, Oct. 2023. |
[230] | Keunsoo Ko and Chang-Su Kim, "Continuously Masked Transformer for Image Inpainting," in Proc. ICCV, Paris, France, Oct. 2023. |
[229] | Seungmin Jeon, Kwang-Pyo Choi, Youngo Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "Context-based Trit-Plane Coding for Progressive Image Compression," in Proc. CVPR, Vancouver, British Columbia, Jun. 2023. |
[228] | Junheum Park, Jintae Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "BiFormer: Learning Bilateral Motion Estimation via Bilateral Transformer for 4k Video Frame Interpolation," in Proc. CVPR, Vancouver, British Columbia, Jun. 2023. |
[227] | Seon-Ho Lee, Nyeong Ho Shin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Geometric Order Learning for Rank Estimation," in NeurIPS, New Orleans, Louisiana, Nov. 2022. |
[226] | Jinwon Ko, Shin Nyeong Ho, Seon-Ho Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Unified Angle Adjustment Network for Image Composition Enhancement," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022. |
[225] | Jintae Kim, Junheum Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "Fast Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 2022. |
[224] | Seon-Ho Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Order Learning Using Partially Ordered Data via Chainization," in Proc. ECCV, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2022. |
[223] | Jinyoung Jun, Jae-Han Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Depth Map Decomposition for Monocular Depth Estimation," in Proc. ECCV, Tel Aviv, Israel, Oct. 2022. |
[222] | Seunggyun Woo, Junheum Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "Future frame extrapolation using future cost volume," in Proc. ICIP, Bordeaux, France, Oct. 2022. |
[221] | Nyeong Ho Shin, Seon-Ho Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Moving Window Regression: A Novel Approach to Ordinal Regression," in Proc. CVPR, New Orleans, Louisiana, June. 2022. (Oral presentation) |
[220] | Wonhui Park, Dongkwon Jin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Eigencontours: Novel Contour Descriptors Based on Low-Rank Approximation," in Proc. CVPR, New Orleans, Louisiana, June. 2022. (Oral presentation) |
[219] | Dongkwon Jin, Wonhui Park, Seong-Gyun Jeong, Heeyeon Kwon, and Chang-Su Kim, "Eigenlanes: Data-Driven Lane Descriptors for Structually Diverse Lanes," in Proc. CVPR, New Orleans, Louisiana, June. 2022. |
[218] | Jae-Han Lee, Seungmin Jeon, Kwang Pyo Choi, Yongpo Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "DPICT: Deep Progressive Image Compression Using Trit-Planes," in Proc. CVPR, New Orleans, Louisiana, June. 2022. (Oral presentation) |
[217] | Jintae Kim, Junheum Park, Hwan Choi, and Chang-Su Kim, "Facial Video Frame Interpolation Combining Symmetric and Asymmetric Motions," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2021, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 2021. |
[216] | Junheum Park, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Asymmetric Bilateral Motion Estimation for Video Frame Interpolation," in Proc. ICCV, Virtual, Oct. 2021. |
[215] | Han-Ul Kim, Su-min Choi, Chang-Su Kim, and Yeong Jun Koh, "Representative Color Transform for Image Enhancement," in Proc. ICCV, Virtual, Oct. 2021. |
[214] | Jae-Han Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Learning Multiple Pixelwise Tasks Based on Loss Scale Balancing," in Proc. ICCV, Virtual, Oct. 2021. |
[213] | Dongkwon Jin, Wonhui Park, Seong-Gyun Jeong, and Chang-Su Kim, "Harmonious Semantic Line Detection via Maximal Weight Clique Selection," in Proc. CVPR, Nashville, Tennessee, June. 2021. |
[212] | Yuk Heo, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Guided Interactive Video Object Segmentation Using Reliability-Based Attention Maps," in Proc. CVPR, Nashville, Tennessee, June. 2021. (Oral presentation) |
[211] | Seon-Ho Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Deep Repulsive Clustering of Ordered Data Based on Order-Identity Decomposition," in Proc. ICLR, Vienna, Austria, May. 2021. |
[210] | Jinyoung Jun, Jae-Han Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Human Pose Estimation Using Skeletal Heatmaps," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2020, Auchland, New Zealand, Dec. 2020. |
[209] | Soo-Kyeong Kang, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Optimized Color Contrast Enhancement for Dichromats Using Local and Global Contrast," in Proc. ICIP, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 2020. |
[208] | Ji-Soo Kim, Keunsoo Ko, and Chang-Su Kim, "Adaptive Lattice-Aware Image Demosaicking Using Global and Local Information," in Proc. ICIP, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, Oct. 2020. |
[207] | Junheum Park, Keunsoo Ko, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "BMBC:Bilateral Motion Estimation with Bilateral Cost Volume for Video Interpolation," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[206] | Jae-Han Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Multi-Loss Rebalancing Algorithm for Monocular Depth Estimation," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[205] | Dongkwon Jin, Jun-Tae Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Semantic Line Detection Using Mirror Attention and Comparative Ranking and Matching," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[204] | Yuk Heo, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Interactive Video Object Segmentation Using Global and Local Transfer Modules," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[203] | Han-Ul Kim, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Global and Local Enhancement Networks For Paired and Unpaired Image Enhancement," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[202] | Han-Ul Kim, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "PieNet: Personalized Image Enhancement Network," in Proc. ECCV, Glasgow, United Kingdom, Aug. 2020. |
[201] | Kyungsun Lim, Nyeong-Ho Shin, Young-Yoon Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Order Learning and Its Application to Age Estimation," in Proc. ICLR, Addis Abada, Ethiopia, Apr. 2020. |
[200] | Dongkwon Jin, Kyungsun Lim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Robust Change Detection in High Resolution Satellite Images with Geometric Distortions," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2019, Lanzhou, China, Nov. 2019. |
[199] | Junheum Park, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Deep Learning Approach to Video Frame Rate Up-Conversion Using Bilateral Motion Estimation," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2019, Lanzhou, China, Nov. 2019. |
[198] | Kyung-Rae Kim, Whan Choi, Yeong Jun Koh, Seong-Gyun Jeong, and Chang-Su Kim, "Instance-Level Future Motion Estimation in a Single Image Based on Ordinal Regression," in Proc. ICCV, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2019. |
[197] | Jun-Tae Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Image Aesthetic Assessment Based on Pairwise Comparison A Unified Approach to Score Regression, Binary Classification, and Personalization," in Proc. ICCV, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 2019. |
[196] | Han-Ul Kim, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Meta Learning for Unsupervised Clustering," in Proc. BMVC, Cardiff, UK, Sep. 2019. |
[195] | Yuk Heo, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Interactive Video Object Segmentation Using Sparse-to-Dense Networks," in Proc. CVPR Workshops, Long Beach, California, June. 2019. |
[194] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "Interactive Image Segmentation via Backpropagating Refinement Scheme," in Proc. CVPR, Long Beach, California, June. 2019. |
[193] | Jae-Han Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Monocular Depth Estimation Using Relative Depth Maps," in Proc. CVPR, Long Beach, California, June. 2019. |
[192] | Ji-Su Kim, Jae-Han Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "3D Point Cloud Sequence Compression Using Block Skipping," in Proc. IW-FCV, Gangneung, Korea, Feb. 2019. |
[191] | Seon-Ho Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Point-Inception Network for 3D Object Classification," in Proc. IW-FCV, Gangneung, Korea, Feb. 2019. |
[190] | Ji-Su Kim, Jae-Han Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Inter-Frame Compression of 3D Point Cloud Sequences," in Proc. ICEIC, Auckland, New Zealand, Jan. 2019. |
[189] | Kyungsun Lim, Dongkwon Jin, and Chang-Su Kim, "Change detection in high resolution satellite images using an ensemble of convolutional neural networks," in Proc. APSIPA ASC, Hawaii, USA, Nov. 2018. |
[188] | Keunsoo Ko, Jun-Tae Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "PAC-NET: Pairwise aesthetic comparison network for image aesthetic assessment," in Proc. ICIP, Athens, Greece, Oct. 2018. |
[187] | Minhyeok Heo, Jaehan Lee, Kyung-Rae Kim, Han-Ul Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Monocular depth estimation using whole strip masking and reliability-based refinement," in Proc. ECCV, Munich, Germany, Sep. 2018. |
[186] | Yeong Jun Koh, Young-Yoon Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Sequential clique optimization for video object segmentation," in Proc. ECCV, Munich, Germany, Sep. 2018. |
[185] | Jae-Han Lee, Minhyeok Heo, Kyung-Rae Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Single-image depth estimation based on Fourier domain analysis," in Proc. CVPR, Salt Lake City, Utah, June. 2018. |
[184] | Whan Choi, Kyung-Rae Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Reliable depth-of-field rendering using estimated depth maps," in Proc. ISCAS, Florence, Italy, May. 2018. |
[183] | Han-Ul Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "PGT: Proposal-guided object tracking," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2017, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Dec. 2017. |
[182] | Jun-Tae Lee, Han-Ul Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Semantic line detection and its applications," in Proc. ICCV, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017. |
[181] | Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Temporal superpixels based on proximity-weighted patch matching," in Proc. ICCV, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017. |
[180] | Yeong Jun Koh and Chang-Su Kim, "CDTS: Collaborative detection, tracking, and segmentation for online multiple object segmentation in videos," in Proc. ICCV, Venice, Italy, Oct. 2017. |
[179] | Juhyeok Mun, Won-Dong Jang, Deuk Jae Sung, and Chang-Su Kim, "Comparison of objective functions in CNN-based prostate magnetic resonance image segmentation," in Proc. ICIP, Beijing, China, Sep. 2017. |
[178] | Kyungsun Lim, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Background subtraction using encoder-decoder structured convolutional neural network," in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Advanced Video and Signal based Surveillance, Lecce, Italy, Aug. 2017. |
[177] | Chang-Su Kim, Whan Choi, and Se-Ho Lee, "Video codec classification for video bitstreams," in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Busan, Korea, Jul. 2017. |
[176] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "Clustering using multiple random walkers with adaptive restart rule," in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Busan, Korea, Jul. 2017. |
[175] | Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Contour-constrained superpixels for image and video processing," in Proc. CVPR, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2017. |
[174] | Yeong Jun Koh and Chang-Su Kim, "Primary object segmentation in videos based on region augmentation and reduction," in Proc. CVPR, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2017. |
[173] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "Online video object segmentation via convolutional trident network," in Proc. CVPR, Honolulu, Hawaii, Jul. 2017. |
[172] | Jae-Han Lee, Kyung-Rae Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Subpixel rendering without color distortions for diamond-shaped PenTile displays," in Proc. ISCAS, Baltimore, Maryland, May 2017. |
[171] | Minhyeok Heo, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Video object segmentation using multiple random walkers with GMM restart rule," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2016, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2016. |
[170] | Jaemoon Lim, Minhyeok Heo, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Enhancement of noisy low-light images via structure-texture-noise decomposition," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2016, Jeju, Korea, Dec. 2016. |
[169] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "Streaming video segmentation via short-term hierarchical segmentation and frame-by-frame Markov random field optimization," in Proc. ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2016. |
[168] | Han-Ul Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "CDT: Cooperative detection and tracking for tracing multiple objects in video sequences," in Proc. ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2016. |
[167] | Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, Byung Kwan Park, and Chang-Su Kim, "RGB-D image segmentation based on multiple random walkers," in Proc. ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona, Sep. 2016. |
[166] | Kyung-Rae Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "Adaptive smoothness constraints for efficient stereo matching using texture and edge information," in Proc. ICIP, Phoenix, Arizona, Sep. 2016. |
[165] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "Semi-supervised video object segmentation using multiple random walkers," in Proc. BMVC, York, UK, Sep. 2016. |
[164] | Won-Dong Jang, Chulwoo Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Primary object segmentation in videos via alternate convex optimization of foreground and background distributions," in Proc. CVPR, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jun. 2016. |
[163] | Yeong Jun Koh, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "POD: Discovering primary objects in videos based on evolutionary refinement of object recurrence, background, and primary object models," in Proc. CVPR, Las Vegas, Nevada, Jun. 2016. |
[162] | Jun-Tae Lee, Kyung-Rae Kim, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Near-duplicate video copy detection with multi-modal video signature matching," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Busan, Korea, Jan. 2016. |
[161] | Se-Ho Lee, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "RGB-D image segmenation based on random walk with restart," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Busan, Korea, Jan. 2016. |
[160] | Han-Ul Kim, Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "SOWP: Spatially ordered and weighted patch descriptor for visual tracking," in Proc. ICCV, Santiago, Chile, Dec. 2015. |
[159] | Jun-Tae Lee, Kyung-Rae Kim, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Near-duplicate video clustering using multiple complementary video signatures," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2015, Hong Kong, China, Dec. 2015. |
[158] | Jaemoon Lim, Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Robust contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images: denoising-enhancement-completion," in Proc. ICIP, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 2015. |
[157] | Kyung-Rae Kim, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Frame-level matching of near duplicate videos based on ternary frame descriptor and iterative refinement," in Proc. ICIP, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 2015. |
[156] | Youngbae Kim, Yeong Jun Koh, Chulwoo Lee, Sehoon Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Dark image enhancement based on pairwise target contrast and multi-scale detail boosting," in Proc. ICIP, Quebec, Canada, Sep. 2015. |
[155] | Hansang Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "Video ROI compression based on RWR saliency detection," in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2015. |
[154] | Dae-Jung Han, Chulwoo Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "An efficient low power constraint enhancement algorithm using Gaussian mixture model," in Proc. ITC-CSCC, Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2015. |
[153] | Chulwoo Lee, Won-Dong Jang, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Multiple random walkers and their application to image cosegmentation," in Proc. CVPR, Massachusetts, Boston, Jun. 2015. |
[152] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Multihypothesis trajectory analysis for robust visual tracking," in Proc. CVPR, Massachusetts, Boston, Jun. 2015. |
[151] | Youngbae Kim, Jin-Hwan Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "VGEF: contrast enhancement of dark images using value gap expansion force and sorted histogram equalization," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2014, Siem Reap, Cambodia, Dec. 2014. |
[150] | Han-Ul Kim, Jin-Hwan Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Hybrid representation and rendering of indoor environments using meshes and point clouds," in Proc. URAI 2014, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Nov. 2014. |
[149] | Jun-Tae Lee, Chulwoo Lee, Jea-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Depth-guided adaptive contrast enhancement using 2D histograms," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014. |
[148] | Se-Ho Lee, Jin-Hwan Kim, Kwang Pyo Choi, Jea-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Video saliency detection based on spatiotemporal feature learning," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014. |
[147] | Yeong Jun Koh, Jea-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Robust video stabilization based on mesh grid warping of rolling-free features," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014. |
[146] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Stereo video deraining and desnowing based on spatiotemporal frame warping," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Paris, France, Oct. 2014. |
[145] | Won-Dong Jang, Chulwoo Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Automatic video genre classification using multiple SVM votes," in Proc. IEEE ICPR, Stockholm, Sweden, Aug. 2014. |
[144] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Visual tracking using pertinent patch selection and masking," in Proc. CVPR, Columbus, OH, Jun. 2014. |
[143] | Jin-Hwan Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "Approximate solution to optimized contrast enhancement for hazy image," in Proc. IEEE ISCE, Jeju, Korea, Jun. 2014. |
[142] | Won-Dong Jang, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "GEQM: A quality metric for gray-level edge maps based on structural matching," in Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2014, Florence, Italy, May 2014. |
[141] | Jun-Tae Lee, Jae-Kyun Ahn, and Chang-Su Kim, "Stitching of heterogeneous images using depth information," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013. |
[140] | Se-Ho Lee, Tae-Young Chung, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Efficient depth map recovery using concurrent object boundaries in texture and depth images," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, Oct. 2013. |
[139] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Chul Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Single-image deraining using an adaptive nonlocal means filter," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[138] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Fast object tracking using color histograms and patch differences," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[137] | Dae-Young Hyun, Jun-Hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Efficient macroblock ordering for chrominance planes in rich color image compression," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[136] | Il-Lyong Jung, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Robust stereo matching under radiometric variations based on cumulative distributions of gradients," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[135] | Yeong Jun Koh, Chul Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Reliable Optical Flow Estimation in Motion-Blurred Regions," in Proc. IEEE MMSP 2013, Pula, Italy, Sep. 2013. |
[134] | Chul Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Probabilistic depth-guided multi-view image denoising," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[133] | Jun-Seong Kim, Hansang Kim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Video saliency detection based on random walk with restart," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Melbourne, Australia, Sep. 2013. |
[132] | Chul Lee, Won-Dong Jang, Tae-Young Chung, and Chang-Su Kim, "Complex feature-based logo recognition," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 2013. |
[131] | Seong-Gyun Jeong, Yeong Jun Koh, and Chang-Su Kim, "Competitive block based motion estimation for high performance of motion compensated frame interpolation," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 2013. |
[130] | Chul Lee, Chulwoo Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Contrast enhancement using 2-D to 1-D histogram conversion," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Yeosu, Korea, Jun. 2013. |
[129] | Il-Lyong Jung and Chang-Su Kim, "Robust view synthesis under varying illumination conditions using segment-based disparity estimation," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2012, Hollywood, CA, Dec. 2012. |
[128] | Se-Ho Lee, Seong-Gyun Jeong, Tae-Young Chung, and Chang-Su Kim, "Real-time acquisition and representation of 3D environmental data," in Proc. APSIPA ASC 2012, Hollywood, CA, Dec. 2012. |
[127] | Il-Lyong Jung, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Histogram-based stereo matching under varying illumination conditions," in Proc. IEEE VCIP, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2012. |
[126] | Tae-Young Chung, Won-Dong Jang, and Chang-Su Kim, "Efficient depth video coding based on view synthesis distortion estimation," in Proc. IEEE VCIP, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2012. |
[125] | Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, "SEQM: Edge quality assessment based on structural pixel matching," in Proc. IEEE VCIP, San Diego, CA, Nov. 2012. |
[124] | Chulwoo Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Contrast enhancement based on layered difference representation," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Orlando, Florida, pp. 965-968, Sep.-Oct. 2012. |
[123] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Won-Dong Jang, Yongsup Park, Dong-Hahk Lee, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Temporally coherent real-time video dehazing," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Orlando, Florida, pp. 969-972, Sep.-Oct. 2012. |
[122] | Chul Lee, Jin-Hwan Kim, Chulwoo Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Power-constrained backlight scaling and contrast enhancement for TFT-LCD displays," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Orlando, Florida, pp. 2793-2796, Sep.-Oct. 2012. |
[121] | Seong-Gyun Jeong, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Exemplar-based frame rate up-conversion with congruent segmentation," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Orlando, Florida, pp. 845-848, Sep.-Oct. 2012. |
[120] | Sang-Uk Park, Young-Yoon Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Efficient side information generation using assistant pixels for distributed video coding," in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium, Krakow, Poland, May 2012. |
[119] | Dae-Young Hyun, Jun-Hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Colorization-based inter-plane prediction algorithm for high-fidelity color image compression," in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium, Krakow, Poland, May 2012. |
[118] | Yongseok Soh, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Superpixel-based depth image super-resolution," in Proc. SPIE 8290, Three-Dimensional Image Processing (3DIP) and Applications II, Feb. 2012. [doi] |
[117] | Chulwoo Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Power-constrained image processing techniques for emissive and non-emissive displays," in Proc. International Meeting on Information Display (IMID), Seoul, Korea, pp. 606-607, Oct. 2011. |
[116] | Seong-Gyun Jeong and Chang-Su Kim, "Feature-preserving thumbnail generation based on graph cuts," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2011. |
[115] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Kyun Ahn, Minsu Ahn, James Do Kyoon Kim, Changyeong Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "3D mesh compression based on dual-ring prediction and MMSE prediction," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Brussels, Belgium, Sep. 2011. |
[114] | Chulwoo Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Gradient domain contrast enhancement with histogram-guided boundary conditions," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 3433-3436, Sep. 2011. |
[113] | Chul Lee, Chulwoo Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "MMSE nonlocal means denoising algorithm for Poisson noise removal," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 2561-2564, Sep. 2011. |
[112] | Dae-Hyun Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Viewing angle dependent coding of digital holograms," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Bucharest, Romania, Aug. 2011. |
[111] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Fast contrast restoration for hazy video sequences," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Gyeongju, Korea, Jun. 2011. |
[110] | Yeong Jun Koh, Sang-Hwan Kim, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Spatial video summarization using multi-camera based background subtraction," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Gyeongju, Korea, Jun. 2011. |
[109] | Sang-Hwan Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "Panoramic video synthesis using selective warping," in Proc. International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications (3DSA), Seoul, Korea, Jun. 2011. |
[108] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Jae-Young Sim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Single image dehazing based on contrast enhancement," in Proc. International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Prague, Czech Republic, May 2011. |
[107] | Seong-Gyun Jeong and Chang-Su Kim, "Thumbnail generation technique manifesting image characteristic," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), Jakarta, Indonesia, Jan. 2011. |
[106] | Soon-Young Lee, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Panoramic scene generation from multi-view images with close foreground objects," in Proc. Picture Coding Symposium (PCS), Nagoya, Japan, Dec. 2010. |
[105] | Jae-Kyun Ahn, Dae-Youn Lee, Minsu Ahn, James Do Kyoon Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Progressive compression of 3D triangular meshes using topology-based Karhunen-Loeve Transform," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Hong Kong, Sep. 2010. |
[104] | Dae-Young Hyun, Jun-hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Region?based backlight compensation algorithm for image and videos," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Hong Kong, Sep. 2010. |
[103] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Kyun Ahn, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "High quality video acquisition and segmentation using alternate flashing system," in Proc. 11th Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Shanghai, China, Sep. 2010. |
[102] | Tae-Young Chung, Sanghoon Sull, and Chang-Su Kim, "Frame loss concealment for stereoscopic video based on inter-ivew similarity of motion and intensity difference," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Hong Kong, Sep. 2010. |
[101] | Chulwoo Lee, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Power-constrained contrast enhancement for OLED displays based on histogram equalization," in Proc. IEEE ICIP, Hong Kong, pp. 1689-1692, Sep. 2010. |
[100] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Kyun Ahn, Minsu Ahn, Jeong-Hwan Ahn, James Do Kyoon Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Topology-based energy compaction transform for spectral mesh compression," in Proc. International Conference on 3D Systems and Applications, Tokyo, Japan, May 2010. |
[99] | Tae-Young Chung, Il-Lyong Jung, Kwanwoong Song, and Chang-Su Kim, "Virtual view interpolation and prediction structure for full parallax multi-view video," in Proc. Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM), Bangkok, Thailand, Dec. 2009. |
[98] | Jun-hee Heu, Dae-Young Hyun, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Image and video colorization based on prioritized source propagation," in Proc. ICIP, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009. |
[97] | Il-Lyong Jung, Taeyoung Chung, Kwanwoong Song, and Chang-Su Kim, "Virtual view synthesis using multi-view video sequences," in Proc. ICIP, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009. |
[96] | Sang-Uk Park, Young-Yoon Lee, Jin-Woo Choi, Jung-Won Kang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Multiple channel division for efficient distributed video coding," in Proc. ICIP, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009. |
[95] | Dae-Youn Lee, Jae-Kyun Ahn, and Chang-Su Kim, "Fast background subtraction algorithm using two-level sampling and silhouette detection," in Proc. ICIP, Cairo, Egypt, Nov. 2009. |
[94] | Jin-Woo Choi, Sang-Uk Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Flexible complexity control between encoder and decoder for video coding," in Proc. MMSP, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Oct. 2009. |
[93] | Jin-Hwan Kim, Jun-Seong Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Image and video retargeting using adaptive scaling function," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 2009. |
[92] | Dae-Young Hyun, Jun-hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Reliable colorization algorithm for images and videos," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Glasgow, Scotland, Aug. 2009. |
[91] | Jun-Seong Kim, Jin-Hwan Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, "Adaptive image and video retargeting technique based on Fourier analysis," in Proc. CVPR, Miami, Florida, Jun. 2009. |
[90] | Jae-Kyun Ahn, Dae-Youn Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, "Automatic object segmentation using multiple images of different luminous intensities," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2009. |
[89] | Chul Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Rate-Distortion optimal bit allocation for high dynamic range video compression," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT), Seoul, Korea, Jan. 2009. |
[88] | Sang-Heon Lee, Soon-Young Lee, Jun-hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Video inpainting algorithm using spatio-temporal consistency," in Proc. SPIE Electronic Imaging, San Jose, Jan. 2009. |
[87] | Taeyoung Chung, Kwanwoong Song, and Chang-Su Kim, "Compression of 2-D wide muti-view video sequences using view interpolation," in Proc. ICIP, San Diego, California, Oct. 2008. |
[86] | Soon-Young Lee, Jun-hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "An object inpainting algorithm for multi-view video sequences," in Proc. ICIP, San Diego, California, Oct. 2008. |
[85] | Jae-Kyun Ahn and Chang-Su Kim, "Real-time segmentation of objects from video sequences with non-stationary backgrounds using spatio-temporal coherence," in Proc. ICIP, San Diego, California, Oct. 2008. |
[84] | Chul Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Rate-distortion optimized compression of high dynamic range videos," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2008. |
[83] | Soon-Young Lee, Jun-hee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "An object removal using multi-view sequence inpainting technique," in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, Harbin, China, Aug. 2008. |
[82] | Taeyoung Chung, Kwanwoong Song, and Chang-Su Kim, "Efficient prediction structure for 2-D wide multi-view video sequence," in Proc. International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing (IIH-MSP), Harbin, China, Aug. 2008. |
[81] | Sergey Chalkov, Natalie Meshalkina, and Chang-Su Kim, "Post-processing algorithm for reducing ringing artefacts in deblurred images," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Shimonoseki, Japan, Jul. 2008. |
[80] | Taeyoung Chung, Kwanwoong Song, and Chang-Su Kim, "Error concealment techniques for multi-view video sequences," in Proc. PCM, Hong Kong, China, Dec. 2007. |
[79] | Singhal Nitin, Young-Yoon Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Robust image watermarking based on local Zernike moments," in Proc. IWMSP, Crete, Greece, Oct. 2007. |
[78] | Jun-Seong Kim and Chang-Su Kim, "A filter design algorithm for subpixel rendering on matrix displays," in Proc. EUSIPCO, Poznan, Poland, Sep. 2007. |
[77] | Il-Lyong Jung and Chang-Su Kim, "Image enhancement using sorted histogram specification and POCS postprocessing," in Proc. ICIP, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 2007. |
[76] | Chul Lee and Chang-Su Kim, "Gradient domain tone mapping of high dynamic range videos," in Proc. ICIP, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 2007. |
[75] | Sung-Bum Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Multiple descript-xion coding of plane-based 3-D surfaces," in Proc. ICIP, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 2007. |
[74] | Je-Won Kang, Suk-Hee Cho, Nam-Ho Hur, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Graph theoretical optimization of prediction structure in multiview video coding," in Proc. ICIP, San Antonio, Texas, Sept. 2007. |
[73] | Liu Hai, Dongjin Kwon, Junhee Heu, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Fast mode decision for P-frames in H.264," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Busan, Korea, Jul. 2007. |
[72] | Hendro Baskoro and Chang-Su Kim, "Combined heuristics for post-processing of boosting-based single-face detection system," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Busan, Korea, Jul. 2007. |
[71] | Marcelo Duarte Esperidiao and Chang-Su Kim, "Low complexity deblocking filter for low bit rate DCT coded videos," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Busan, Korea, Jul. 2007. |
[70] | Sergey Chalkov and Chang-Su Kim, "Successive spatiotemporal video denoising algorithm," in Proc. International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems, Computers and Communications (ITC-CSCC), Busan, Korea, Jul. 2007. |
[69] | Kwanwoong Song, Taeyoung Chung, Chang-Su Kim, Young-O Park, Yongdeok Kim, and Yunje Oh, "Efficient multi-hypothesis error concealment technique for H.264," in Proc. ISCAS, New Orleans, May 2007. |
[68] | Il-Lyong Jung and Chang-Su Kim, "Image enhancement based on sorted histogram equalization and projection onto convex sets," in Proc. International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Thailand, Jan. 2007. |
[67] | Soon-Young Lee, Junhee Heu, Sung-Bum Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Mesh editing using motion features," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2006. |
[66] | Sung-Bum Park, Young-Yoon Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Robust compression of 3-D point clouds using multiple descript-xion coding," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2006. |
[65] | Young-Yoon Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Video fingerprinting based on frame skipping," in Proc. ICIP-2006, Atlanta, Oct. 2006. |
[64] | Sang-Uk Park, Young-Yoon Lee, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Blind watermarking for authentification of 3-D QSplat models," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2006. |
[63] | In-Wook Song, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Progressive transmission of PointTexture 3-D images," in Proc. ICASSP-2006, Toulouse, France, May 2006. |
[62] | Dohyun Ahn, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Rate-distortion optimized image compression using generalized principal component analysis," in Proc. ICASSP-2006, Toulouse, France, May 2006. |
[61] | Junhee Heu, Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "R-D optimized compression of 3-D mesh sequences based on principal component analysis," in 44th ACM Southeast Conference, Florida, Mar. 2006. |
[60] | Chang-Su Kim, "Improving motion picture quality of plasma display panels," in Proc. International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, Hong Kong, Dec. 2005. |
[59] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Vector quantization of 3-D point clouds," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2005. |
[58] | In-Wook Song, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Compression of PointTexture 3D motion sequences," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2005. |
[57] | Youngmin Kwak, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust compression and reconstruction of 3-D mesh data," in Proc. SPIE International Symposium on Optics East, Boston, Oct. 2005. |
[56] | Youngmin Kwak, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Dynamic fluid animation using scalable grids," in Proc. SPIE Optics & Photonics 2005, San Diego, Aug. 2005. |
[55] | Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Progressive coding of 3D dynamic mesh sequences using spatiotemporal decomposition," in Proc. ISCAS 2005, Kobe, May 2005. |
[54] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Construction of regular 3D point clouds using octree partitioning and resampling," in Proc. ISCAS 2005, Kobe, May 2005. |
[53] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction (MHMCP) for error-resilient visual communication," in International Symposium on Intelligent Multimedia, Video & Speech Processing, Hong Kong, Oct. 2004. |
[52] | Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Progressive compression of 3D dynamic sequences," in Proc. ICIP 2004, Singapore, Oct. 2004. |
[51] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Error resilience analysis of multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction for video coding," in Proc. ICIP 2004, Singapore, Oct. 2004. |
[50] | Peter H. W. Wong, Robert T. W. Hung, Jack Y. B. Lee, S. C Liew, C. S. Kim, and Roland T. Chin, "Rate estimation for H.264/AVC spatial resolution reduction," in Proc. ICIP 2004, Singapore, Oct. 2004. |
[49] | Chang-Su Kim and Sang-Uk Lee, "Reduction of gray level disturbances in plasma display panels," in Proc. ISCAS 2004, Vancouver, Canada, May 2004. |
[48] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Analysis of multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction for robust video transmission," in Proc. ISCAS 2004, Vancouver, Canada, May 2004. |
[47] | In-Wook Song, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Progressive compression of PointTexture images," in Proc. SPIE VCIP 2004, San Jose, Jan. 2004. |
[46] | Seung-Wook Park, Seung Hwan Kim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Adaptive windowing technique for variable block size motion compensation," in Proc. SPIE VCIP 2004, San Jose, Jan. 2004. |
[45] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Lossless compression of point-based data for 3D graphics rendering," in Proc. SPIE VCIP 2004, San Jose, Jan. 2004. |
[44] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Analysis of multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction for error resilient video transmission," in Proc. SPIE VCIP 2004, San Jose, Jan. 2004. |
[43] | Sang-Jun Ahn, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Detection and compensation of dynamic false contours in PDP," in Proceedings of The 10th International Display Workshop, Fukuoka, Japan, Dec. 2003. |
[42] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Error resilient video transmission with multi-hypothesis motion compensated prediction," in Proceedings of SPIE ITCOM, Orlando, USA, Sept. 2003. |
[41] | Jeong-Hwan Ahn, Chang-Su Kim, and Yo-Sung Ho, "An efficient coding algorithm for color and normal data of three-dimensional mesh models," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2003. |
[40] | Young O Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Multi-hypothesis error concealment algorithm for H.26L video," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2003. |
[39] | Sung-Bum Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Error resilient coding of 3-D meshes," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Barcelona, Spain, Sept. 2003. |
[38] | Kyung-Hwa Han, Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Compression of color data in 3D semi-regular meshes," in Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems Computers and Communications, Korea, Jul. 2003. |
[37] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and and Sang-Uk Lee, "View-dependent transmission of 3-D normal meshes," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2003, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003. |
[36] | Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Robust semi-regular mesh representation of 3D dynamic objects," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2003, Bangkok, Thailand, May 2003. |
[35] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A spatial-domain error concealment method with edge recovery and selective directional interpolation," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Apr. 2003. |
[34] | Min-Kuan Chang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Power control for packet-based wireless communication systems," in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, New Orleans, USA, Mar. 2003. |
[33] | Jeong-Hwan Ahn, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Predictive coding of color and normal vector information for three-dimensional mesh representation," in Proceedings of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology, Nagasaki, Japan, Jan. 2003. |
[32] | In-Wook Song, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "View-dependent compression of 3D voxel models based on skeleton representation," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Virgin Islands, USA, Dec. 2002. |
[31] | Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Semi-regular mesh representation of 3D dynamic objects based on correspondence matching," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Virgin Islands, USA, Dec. 2002. |
[30] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Normal mesh compression based on rate-distortion optimization," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Virgin Islands, USA, Dec. 2002. |
[29] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A dynamic error concealment for video transmission over noisy channels," in Proceedings of IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference 2002, Taipei, Taiwan, Nov. 2002. |
[28] | Sung-Bum Park, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Progressive mesh compression using cosine index predictor and 2-stage geometry predictor," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Rochester, USA, Sept. 2002. |
[27] | Bong Gyun Roh, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Progressive encoding of voxel surfaces based on pattern code representation," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, Lausanne, Switzerland, Aug. 2002. |
[26] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, Robert Ku, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Adaptive joint source/channel coding for robust video transmission," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2002, Scottsdale, USA, May 2002. |
[25] | Min-Kuan Chang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Downlink SINR analysis for multi-rate W-CDMA systems," in Proceedings of Vehicular Technology Conference 2002, Birmingham, USA, May 2002. |
[24] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "3D mesh compression using triangle fan structure," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2002, Scottsdale, USA, May 2002. |
[23] | Min-Kuan Chang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A novel power control scheme for packet-switched W-CDMA systems," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Aerospace/Defense Sensing, Simulation, and Controls, Orlando, USA, Apr. 2002. |
[22] | Chien-Hwa Hwang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Analysis of multistage linear parallel interference cancellation in CDMA systems using graphical representation," in Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Communications 2002, New York, USA, Apr. 2002. |
[21] | Chih-Hung Kuo, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust Video Transmission over Wideband Wireless Channel Using Space-Time Coded OFDM Systems," in Proceedings of IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Paris, France, vol. 2, pp. 931-936, Mar. 2002. |
[20] | Jeong-Hwan Ahn, Chang-Su Kim, C.-C. Jay Kuo, and Yo-Sung Ho, "Motion compensated coding of 3-D animation models," in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, San Hose, USA, Jan. 2002. |
[19] | Sheng Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "View-dependent progressive mesh coding based on partitioning," in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, San Hose, USA, Jan. 2002. |
[18] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, Robert Ku, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Robust video transmission with adaptive joint source/channel bit allocation," in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, San Hose, USA, Jan. 2002. |
[17] | Chih-Hung Kuo, Chang-Su Kim, Robert Ku, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Embedded space-time coding for wireless broadcast," in Proceedings of SPIE Visual Communications and Image Processing 2002, San Hose, USA, Jan. 2002. |
[16] | Jeong-Hyu Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Compression of 3D triangle mesh sequences," in Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing, Cannes, France, pp. 181-186, Oct. 2001. |
[15] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "An unequal error protection method for packet video transmission over wireless channels," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Convergence of IT and Communications, Denver, USA, Aug. 2001. |
[14] | Chien-Hwa Hwang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Performance analysis of multistage linear parallel interference canceller in long-code CDMA systems," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Convergence of IT and Communications, Denver, USA, Aug. 2001. |
[13] | Sheng Yang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "View-dependent progressive mesh coding for graphic streaming," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Convergence of IT and Communications, Denver, USA, Aug. 2001. |
[12] | Min-Kuan Chang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "A novel power control scheme for multimedia CDMA transmission," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Convergence of IT and Communications, Denver, USA, Aug. 2001. |
[11] | Chih-Hung Kuo, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Layered video transmission over space-time coded systems," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Optical Science and Technology, San Diego, USA, Jul. 2001. |
[10] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Video transmission over CDMA systems with unequal error protection," in Proceedings of International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, USA, May 2001. |
[9] | Chien-Hwa Hwang, Chang-Su Kim, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "Analysis of iterative multiuser receiver for DS-CDMA in Rayleigh fading environment," in Proceedings of International Conference on Third Generation Wireless and Beyond, San Francisco, USA, May 2001. |
[8] | Wei-Ying Kung, Chang-Su Kim, Chien-Hwa Hwang, and C.-C. Jay Kuo, "An efficient channel code assignment scheme for multiple users in CDMA systems," in Proceedings of SPIE International Symposium on Information Technologies, Boston, USA, Nov. 2000. |
[7] | Seung Hwan Kim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Efficient motion compensation algorithm based on second-order prediction," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Vancouver B.C., Canada, vol. 2, pp. 875-878, Sept. 2000. |
[6] | Jae-Young Sim, Chang-Su Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Triangle mesh compression using geometric constraints," in Proceedings of International Technical Conference on Circuits/Systems Computers and Communications, Pusan, Korea, vol. 1, pp. 462-465, Jul. 2000. |
[5] | Chang-Su Kim and Sang-Uk Lee, "Multiple descript-xion motion coding algorithm for robust video transmission," in Proceedings of IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems 2000, Lausanne, Switzerland, vol. 4, pp. 717-720, May 2000. |
[4] | Chang-Su Kim, Rin-Chul Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Robust transmission of video over noisy channel using parity motion vector," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Washington D.C., USA, vol. 1, pp. 342-345, Oct. 1997. |
[3] | Chang-Su Kim, Rin-Chul Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Fractal coding of image sequence using extended circular prediction mapping," in Proceedings of EUSIPCO-1996, Trieste, Italy, pp. 308-311, Sept. 1996. |
[2] | Chang-Su Kim, Rin-Chul Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Fractal coding of video sequence using CPM and NCIM," in Proceedings of International Workshop on New Video Media Technology, Seoul, Korea, pp. 72-76, Mar. 1996. |
[1] | Chang-Su Kim, Rin-Chul Kim, and Sang-Uk Lee, "Novel fractal image compression method with non-iterative decoder," in Proceedings of International Conference on Image Processing, Washington D.C., USA, vol. 3, pp. 268-271, Oct. 1995. |