Site Overview

Clearly Modern is a clean, powerful WordPress theme with a ton of options, making it perfect for any number of applications. This site does not limit you to a specific handful of styles. By using the various page templates in combination with the included shortcodes, you can accomplish many unique styles and layouts.

If you are just starting out and want to take it slow, a default page template looks just like this.

Please explore the demo, I tried to showcase as many features as possible without cluttering up the site or making things too confusing to understand.

OptionTree Theme Settings

The OptionTree plugin is used to control many aspects of the site from a simple point and click interface. You simply import the settings I created for this specific site and let the plugin do the rest.

Preview of the Theme Settings by OptionTree, click to enlarge

Lightbox / Pop-Ups

The WordPress plugin Easy FancyBox was used for Lightbox images, video popups and modal boxes. It is very simple to install and manageable through the Settings > Media area of the WordPress admin area. Explore the demo to see it in use on images, here are some non-image examples:

Test it out: Launch Google iFrame or Launch YouTube Popup or Launch Vimeo Popup

Superfish Dropdown

The dropdown menu is powered by jQuery Superfish, able to go many levels deep automatically powered by the WordPress 3.0 menu system.

jQuery Cycle

The content slider is powered by jQuery Cycle, able to slide both image and HTML content.

Custom Twitter Widget

Included with the theme is a reusable custom Twitter widget that pulls in tweets for any widget area of the site. See the footer for sample usage.

Widget Areas

Widget areas or “sidebars” are scattered across the site allowing quick and easy adding of content in different locations and under different scenarios.