
[2017] A subpixel rendering algorithm will be presented in ISCAS 2017.

Jae-Han Lee, Kyung-Rae Kim, and Chang-Su Kim, “Subpixel Rendering without Color Distortions for Diamond-Shaped PenTile Displays”

Congratulations to JH on his first paper!


[2017] A low-light image enhancement technique will be published in JVCI.

A journal paper from our former student Jaemoon Lim will be published in JVCI.

  • Jaemoon Lim, Minhyeok Heo, Chul Lee, and Chang-Su Kim, “Contrast enhancement of noisy low-light images based on structure-texture-noise decomposition,” to appear in J. Vis. Commun. Image. Represent.,2017.

Congratulations to Jaemoon, and many thanks to Minhyeok and Prof. Lee!

[2017] 연구원 모집

MCL에서는 2017년 2학기 혹은 2018년 1학기에 입학하여 컴퓨터 비전과 영상 처리 기술을 연구할 대학원생을 모집합니다. 관심 있는 사람은 김창수 교수(에게 연락 바랍니다.

[2016] Our first BMVC paper.

Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, “Semi-supervised video object segmentation using multiple random walkers,” Proc. BMVC, York, UK, Sept. 2016.

Congratulations again, Won-Dong!

[2016] Our algorithms on streaming video segmentation and multiple object tracking will be presented in ECCV 2016.

* Won-Dong Jang and Chang-Su Kim, “Streaming video segmentation via short-term hierarchical segmentation and frame-by-frame Markov random field optimization,” Proc. ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2016.

* Han-Ul Kim and Chang-Su Kim, “CDT: Cooperative detection and tracking for tracing multiple objects in video sequences,” Proc. ECCV, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, Oct. 2016.

These will be our first papers in European Conference on Computer Vision. Congratulations, Won-Dong and Han-Ul!